Sunday, June 16, 2013

happy father's day!

 Happy Father's Day to all the happy daddys out there! Doyle's been rocking this whole dad business since 2011 and continues to be his daughter's favorite playmate. Eve & I are pretty lucky to have him around. He keeps things lively in our home and works so hard for our family. We love you!

Eve has also been blessed with two of the world's greatest grandpas. And really, there is something so very special between Eve and her grandpas. I honestly can't explain it, but she is so close with both of them and as her mom, I can see a special connection with each. Maybe it has to do with being the only granddaughter on each side, but whatever it is, they adore her and she adores them back. I watch both my dad and father-in-law give her countless attention and unconditional love. She knows it and her love for them is undeniable. Her face lights up as soon as she sees them. She's a lucky little girl.  
And of course, my sweet sweet grandpa! I'm so grateful for his example in my life and how much he still cares about me and my little family. He was at all of my sporting and school events growing up and I loved having him so close. He is one of Evie's biggest fans and I wish so badly that we could visit him more often. Love you Grandpa!
Evie hasn't met all of her great-grandpas but she will one day. I promise we will get her to Thailand, Grandpa J!! We miss you all. 

 And I also would like to recognize the other father figures in Evie's life: her uncles! She sure loves each and every one of them. It's been over a year and half since she has seen Sam in person, but with Skype and photographs, she knows him by name and I know she will be thrilled to see him when he comes home next year. 
A special thanks to all these men for being great examples to me and my sweet little Evie. We are so blessed to have honorable, loving men in our lives. Thanks to my dad and father-in-law for all you've taught me and Doyle. We love you all!